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The Ury Riverside Park is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a charity) and relies on grant funding and donations to be able to develop and manage the Ury Riverside Park.  So far we have sourced over £520,000 to deliver the path network, wildflower meadows, tree planting and initial management work.


Funding has come from:-

  • EU Interreg LEADER funding £144k

  • Developer Contributions £320k

  • Scottish Forestry Grant £16k

  • Aberdeenshire Council funding £36k

  • Local community groups and faith groups £4.4k

  • National Lottery Awards for All £6981


If you would like to donate to future projects and ongoing maintenance you can donate via the Charities Aid Foundation by clicking here or on the 'Donate Now' button on the home page. 

On the Charities Aid Foundation page search for Ury Riverside Park SCIO and follow the instructions from there. 


Thank you for your support.


Path construction.jpg

Path construction

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